Akim Moiseenkov

Artwork about the hidden departments of Dutch National Opera

When: All festival dates

Location: Dutch National Opera & Ballet, Foyer

Ticket price: Included in ticket

Language: -

Surtitles: -

Musician, composer and artist Akim Moiseenkov portrays the hidden departments of Dutch National Opera in the foyer. He shares his fascination with these disciplines through various installations. For example, he creates a composition based on the sounds of the costume department and assembles a swarm of robots based on his findings from the technical department.

On 6 and 7 March, Akim's artworks will be on display in the Markmeesterscafé. This bar is located to the left of the Boekmanzaal and can be reached through the main entrance of Dutch National Opera & Ballet.

Read more about Akim Moiseenkov here.

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