OFF Lab - Arts & Science

When: Saturday 5 March and Saturday 12 March

Location: Dutch National Opera & Ballet and Boekman Foundation

Ticket price: Free

What direction is the cultural sector heading, and where do we want it to go? In this OFF Lab, students play with and share their ideas about the current cultural landscape, and reflect on its future.

Accessibility, economy, social integration, diversity, upward social mobility; these are all aspects that play a role in the future vision of the cultural sector. During the two Saturdays of the festival, art and cultural policy students will brainstorm, discuss, spout ideas and break their heads on various topics to come up with new visions on our cultural future.

During the two sessions of the think-lab, students will be inspired by different guest speakers, and by fellow students who may have the same, or a very different vision. Together they will eventually work on a short statement about the current state of the arts, while having the opportunity to put their academic knowledge into concrete practice.

This OFF Lab is not open to the public.

OFF Labs
During this edition of the Opera Forward Festival, collaborations with students were sought in several ways, resulting in three different OFF Labs: Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Arts and Science.

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